Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Let's open this bad boy up!

One of our visions for the house was to create an open floor plan. This we thought might not be achievable for a few years, but with Joe the House Doctor's help, we have opened up the main level! It's a little overwhelming as it now appears to much bigger than it was originally, but we are very pleased with the progress. Over the last few weeks Joe also has made a lot of progress on the two bedrooms upstairs and the loft off of the master is almost complete.

Here is what the dining room looked like when we purchased it!
 Here is a picture of the wall taken down
 Looking back at the kitchen
This is what Laurelea's bedroom looked like before
 Here it is now, I love all the exposed old log cabin!
This is the old staircase. 
 Here is what it looks like now- still needs work, but improving!
This is the master bedroom before

Here is what it looks like now

 Here is the staircase up to the loft in the master bedroom
 Loft in the master bedroom!
Progress is being made and it's so helpful to look back at some of our first pictures of the house and remind ourselves how far we have come! There is still a lot more work to do before we are through this phase and we will be certain to continue to update as things progress.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fireplace be gone

We had hoped that when the fireplace was exposed that it wouldn't be such a leaner. We loved the idea of  having the brick element and thought it would really enhance the space, but our cautionary sides took over and it's gone. As it had been capped there really wasn't much purpose to it, other than aesthetics.

I know we dedicate most of this blog to farmhouse renovation, but we do manage to have a lot of fun while we are out there. We bought some kayak's and here are some pictures of Cory and Laurelea's maiden journey down the river. 

 This is now what you see walking into the house from the kitchen front door. With the fireplace gone it really opens up the room. Our contractor will be creating beam supports for the room so that they are completely open. We are really thrilled with how this is taking shape.
 Here is another view looking back at the kitchen
 Again another picture of the old log cabin circa 1750
 The dry wall in the master is going up!
 Here is the entry to the loft from the master

 Insulation is going in, in the kid's room
 This is the ceiling where at one point there was a fire that happened right around the fireplace. I'm curious to see how the contractor will "fix" this?
 Seeing the scaffolding on the side of the house really makes this renovation feel real!