Monday, April 8, 2013

Plumbing is overrated

We got out to the house to find that all the hot water pipes were missing. It appears from the time that we last saw the house until closing someone had their sights on the copper hot water pipping and came and absconded it with it. I guess there is a market for such a thing?

 The scary part is that someone came into the house. None of the windows were busted out nor did it appear that a door was busted. We assume that through one of the 5 entrances to the house that one of the doors accidentally got left unlocked.

Regardless, it was not the nice welcome that we were expecting. We were all a tad foul after four days of no hot water and running water to the bathroom. We did meet a handyman who came to our rescue on Saturday afternoon. So there is now hot water pipping it's still questionable if the hot water tank is working :)

shot of the water heater with the pipes cut

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  1. We love the house, and I can't believe your pipes were stolen! Do you have insurance?? We know a guy in DC that is a great and cheap retired plummer. Let me know if you want his number.

  2. The problem is that it was not our house when the pipes where stolen. We just get to clean up the mess. We found a great guy out there that has been helping us out. He goes by the House Doctor, which I think is hilarious. Hope you guys are doing well and can't believe that you are making a move so quickly!

  3. It was not quick. It was a long, hard two years in Congo. Not quick. Not. at. all.

    Four years in Dhaka will be nice. You're going to visit, right?
