Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2 Months In...

We realized this weekend that we have owned the farmhouse for two months. We feel like progress is being made, considering that we really only have 2 to 3 hours each day (when L is sleeping), I think we are doing okay. Maybe by 2015 we will have furniture and the place looking like we want it to... 
This weekend we hired a lawn guy. Might seem pretty basic, but when the grass was over 2 ft high something needed to happen... 
mowed lawn

view of the road from our yard

the geese were thrilled that the yard was mowed 

We have some beautiful peonies coming up in several places on the property

love how green it is right now

view of the side property
 We have a lot of large trees on the property. Here is a shot of them...

We shifted gears and feel like we made progress on one of the bedrooms. We painted the wood paneling, a light grey and the closet white. We used spray paint for the closet and other than needing to keep L away due to the fumes,  it worked well to spray paint the closet doors, although it did take 5 cans of spray paint. We used Valspar paint and primer and am happy with the product and results.

 We pulled up this nasty old carpet to find an even older rug. The floors in this room are my favorite so far. They in great shape and the wide wood paneling. Can't wait to get these refinished, but for now this random old rug that was under the carpet will serve a purpose...

Here is a picture of what the room looked like before! We still need to do some touching up and paint the molding, but progress has been had to room #3.

The bathroom wallpaper removal is also coming along.


  1. Misty this house is adorable! What a fun project - and I love the improvements you've begun. I just can't get over the property. GORGEOUS! And that front porch is so completely perfect. I'm excited to follow along on your adventures :)

  2. Thanks! It is quite an undertaking, but we've been having a lot of fun doing it. Never really saw ourselves as DIY types, but with the internet, specifically Pinterest it's amazing how much you can learn. We can't wait until it's habitable so that we can have folks visit. Hope you are doing well.
